Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ubuntu Share Folder Using SAMBA

Sharing folder from Ubuntu between the network is very easy. The shared folder can be access by the same platform or Windows using SAMBA services.

Share folder on GNOME @ Ubuntu 8.04.

1. Create a new folder that you want to share.

2. Right click on the folder --> Sharing Options

3. Tick on the Share this folder

4. Click at the Install service.

5. Enter the administrator password.

6. Downloading and installing...please wait.

7. Click the close.

8. Restart the Ubuntu and it should works.

Generally,SAMBA services can be installed by:
1. At the terminal, type sudo apt-get install smbfs to download and install SAMBA.
2. Set the password for the user by sudo smbpasswd -a username. (Be sure you had created the user account. To do this: System --> Administration --> Users and Groups).

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