Monday, August 18, 2008

Install antivirus for Ubuntu

Download and install AVG
After installed Ubuntu, I would highly recommend to proceed with patches update and install the antivirus. The chances of Ubuntu affected by virus are rare. However, if you are connected within the network, it is recommended to have one. At this moment, I am using AVG 7.5.51 antivirus to protect my file from viruses.

You can download the free AVG from here (.deb). Once downloaded, right click and select Open with “GDebi Package Installer”. Follow the instructions carefully.

Click on the Install Packages button.

Installing..please wait.

Click the close button.

Launch the program and do the update
Once the installation done, you can start AVG by going to Applications -->Accessories -->AVG for Linux Workstation. Do the update to download the latest virus definition.

If you encountered the update problem with the message below, you may need to configure the right permission.

Open the User and Groups panel.

Click on Unlock button and sign in as the power user. Click on the Manage Groups button.

Select the avg group and click on the Properties button.

Tick on the user to assign to AVG group.

Logout and do the update again. You should able to retrieve the update.

Alternative, at terminal you can type sudo avgupdate -o to download the update. The -o parameter indicate online update from the Internet.

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