Monday, March 31, 2008

GSC website hacked

One of my colleague just saw this article and shared with me about this link "GSC website compromised by Lowyat.NET" and blog from Dr. Safemode - (for more details, please visit to the link).

It mentioned about the GSC website was hacked.

A malicious piece of code -javascript, present on the GSC online website and has been removed.
If you happend to visit the website recently, perhaps it you may want to scan your PC with updated antivirus protection.

Attention for those Internet surfer, I would like to recommend the basic tools you must have to have a secure and safety online:

1. updated antivirus - eg: AVG
2. updated antispyware - eg: windows defender
3. firewall - eg: ZoneAlarm
4. Windows updated patches - eg: buy ORIGINAL windows, register and get update via online for free :)

1 comment:

kwchee said...

Is it true? I can't believe it so easy to be hacked... Thanks for ur posting.